Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Babies need Chiropractic too

I love being a Chiropractor! What an honor and privilege it is to help another human being express their God-given potential.  

This week we were blessed with not only one, but two newborns from two different families getting their first adjustments. Let's face it birth is messy. And traumatic!  Both of these little ones came into the world under less   than ideal circumstances.  One was an emergency C-section and the other one just took rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllllllllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy long. In both cases the added stress caused subluxations in their spines which leads to less than normal life expression. Both sets of parents knew this and made it a priority to get their newbies checked and adjusted right away.  If you've never seen an infant get adjusted it's way different that you'd expect.  There are special techniques designed specifically for these little guys. One of my favorite ways of checking for an atlas subluxation (the atlas is the very first bone in the neck and when subluxated can have devastating effects on nerve function) is to gently hang the baby upside down and look at their neck movement. This is being demonstrated with Baby Leah below. No, don't worry...this isn't that crazy baby yoga stuff you see on Youtube.  This is very gentle and very precise.  Once I see which way the baby's neck is misaligned I use my instrument to tap the bone into alignment, as you can see with Baby Ethan.  

Thanks again to both moms and dads for allowing us the opportunity to help. A healthy nerve system should always be a priority and these 2 little munchkins have parents that understand this and want their children to start life at 100%. 

Like I said...I love being a Chiropractor.

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